Mike Reza

Distinguished in several professional arenas, Michael Reza’s name is synonymous with fair lending practices in the financial industry, fair representation of his constituents in politics, as the long-term Congressional Awards President and Board Member, and as an Executive Producer in the film industry. He also actively participates in service to others through raising funds and awareness for a variety of organizations devoted to cancer research, youth, and HRH Prince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

While serving on Fannie Mae’s Advisory Board, Michael became the first lender entrusted to secure and issue mortgage-backed securities to Native Americans in the U.S.A. Michael has backed more than $50M worth of loans to this previously ignored population. Subsequently, through active participation in the first tax credit to Native Americans in the US, and after the sale of the tax credit, he went on to slash loan amounts and payments by 50%

Michael was the President of the 34th Congressional District appointed by the local Congressman Esteban Torres. He was then appointed and confirmed to the Board of Directors of the Congressional Awards Board in 1993, for which Congress had to vet and vote him onto the Board. He was unanimously confirmed and approved by both, and he served in that role through 2003.

[N.B. The Congressional Award is the highest award given to youth in the U.S.A., and it was voted into Public Law 96-114.]

In his early years in the financial industry, after earning his MBA, Michael started a mortgage company which he led for 20 years before selling it to a public company. He then started another mortgage banking division which was subsequently sold to HomeServices of America, a Berkshire Hathaway Affiliate recognized as the largest, full-service independent residential real estate brokerage firm and the largest brokerage-owned settlement services (mortgage, title, escrow, and insurance) provider in the United States.

As the CEO and an owner of MCapital, Michael continues to build and LOVE NEVER FAILS 31 cultivate long-term quality relationships by consistently providing exceptional customer service. He currently sits as an advisor or board member on over 25 companies from banks to non-profits, and serves as Executive Producer on the TV show, It’s Happening Right Here.

Michael is expanding his reach into new territory as co-author of Cracking The Success Code – Vol. 2, with Brian Tracy, and The Soul of Success – Vol. 3, co-authored with Jack Canfield. All proceeds from these books are being donated to a variety of causes, including non-profits that are leading the way to bring an end to human trafficking, among others.

Michael lives in Southern California with his wife and their three teenage children, and his oldest son, Miles Reza, lives in Florida.

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