Peter J. D’Arruda, MRFC®, RICP®, is former two-time President of the IARFC (International Association of Registered Financial Consultants), an Investment Advisor, fiduciary, and has been in the financial arena for over 32 years. He founded Capital Financial to help his clients “cross the street of life.“ He and his team strive to help their clients take the worry out of living in retirement. Known as “Coach Pete” to most of his clients and to the listeners of his radio show, he has developed a proprietary process that lets business owners become work optional.
He has written or co-written 16 books to date. Two of his books have reached the best-sellers list on Amazon. The most noteworthy book, Successonomics, is one that Coach Pete co-authored with Steve Forbes. But, by far, his favorite book just happens to be his most recent, “The Big Book on Retirement”.
Coach Pete also owns and operates a multi-million dollar production and broadcasting company, Broadcasting Experts, LLC and his staff produces over 80 weekly radio shows and long form video & audio podcasts heard and seen nationwide. His national show THE FINANCIAL SAFARI can be heard at
Pete has won 3 Emmys, 5 Quillys®,and 10 Tellys, along with multiple EXPYS®. He is proud of each award.
He is a graduate of The University of North Carolina.
To learn more, visit, or call 800-661-7383.